New evidence on why children's food security varies across households with similar incomes

This project examines why very low food security status among children is different across households with very similar measured resources. Controlling for measures of income-to-needs, we examine whether elements in  the environment, household characteristics,  or  behaviors  are  systematically  correlated  with  VLFS  among children. We use different measures of income-to-needs, including those averaged across years to capture “permanent” income (or to average out measurement error) and measures that include income after taxes and transfers. Our analysis uses the Current Population Survey  (across many years, matched December to March),  the American Time Use Survey (matched to the December CPS), the National Health and Nutrition  Examination  Surveys  (1999;2010),  and  the  Panel  Study  of  Income Dynamics.  We  find  that,  no  matter  how  we  control for  income-to-needs,  certain characteristics appear to be systematically correlated with VLFS among children. In particular,  mental  and  physical  disabilities  of  the  household  head  are  strongly correlated  with  VLFS  among  children.  The presence of  teenage  children,  holding other  aspects  of  household  size  and  composition  constant,  predict  VLFS  among children, suggesting that larger children require more food. Finally, participating in transfer  programs  is  correlated  with  VLFS  among  children,  suggesting  that  these households  are  in  the  “system.”  These patterns suggest pathways for future research and future policy actions to address VLFS among children.



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Diane Schanzenbach Patricia Anderson Kristin Butcher HIlary Hoynes


New evidence on why children's food security varies across households with similar incomes