UKCPR research featured in Southern Economic Journal
May 2016
Funded research from UKCPR's Research Program on Childhood Hunger is now featured in a special issue of the Southern Economic Journal. The research focuses on food insecurity among multigenerational families.
UKCPR director to make presentation on strengthening SNAP for Hamilton Project
May 2016
James Ziliak will release a new proposal on strengthening SNAP as part of a conference sponsored by the Hamilton Project. The proposal will be presented during a half day's event at the Brookings Institution and also includes noted speakers such as former Treasury secretaries Rubin and Summers, as well as former Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board Alan Blinder. The policy forum Strengthening the Safety Net to Mitigate the Effect of Future Recessions will be held May 23, 2016. Access more information on the event.
James Ziliak interviewed for Marketplace Morning Report
May 2016
Dr. James Ziliak, UKCPR director, appeared on the Marketplace morning edition, April 28, 2016 edition, in a piece titled Getting Enough Food is Still a Problem for Many Americans. The report highlights research conducted by the Feeding America organization and points to persistent food insecurity problems for some Americans.
Dissertation research funding opportunity from OPRE/ACF/HHS
May 2015
The Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (OPRE) in the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), has published a funding opportunity announcement to support dissertation research by doctoral students using behavioral science approaches to study questions related to social services programs and policies. These grants are intended to build the capacity of the research field to apply a behavioral science lens to issues facing low-income families and other vulnerable groups in the United States.